2024 Wheat Prevent Plant
If an insured has eligible acres that remain unplanted due to an insurable cause of loss and elects the prevented planting option, then a notice of loss must be submitted after the Final Plant Date, but not later than 72 hours (3 days) after the late planting period (October 28th for a county with an October 20th Final Plant Date or November 2nd for a county with an October 25th FPD).
The prevented planting rules for fall seeded wheat are the same as
for spring seeded crops in most cases.
• If you are prevented from planting wheat in a county with only
a fall final planting date, and
• You submit a prevented planting claim;
• You can choose to plant a spring seeded crop the
following spring.
If you choose to plant a spring seeded crop, you will receive 35%
of the prevented planting indemnity and pay 35% of the premium
on the fall seeded wheat. The spring seeded crop must be insured
and you will pay the full premium and have full coverage. Your
Actual Production History (APH) for the prevented planting acres
will be 60% of the approved yield for the unit.
Prevented planting coverage will not be provided for any acreage
on which the insured crop is prevented from being planted if you
or any other person receives a prevented planting payment for any
crop on the same acreage in the same crop year unless you are in
an area that allows double cropping as an insurable practice. If you
submit a prevented planting claim on fall seeded wheat, prevented
planting coverage will not be available on those acres for spring
planted corn or soybeans unless such crop acreage is insurable
as a double cropping practice. Consider this carefully before
submitting a prevented planting claim for fall seeded wheat.